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Phyto – Sugar Shack | Canada Wide Weed ShopPhyto – Sugar Shack | Canada Wide Weed Shop

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Phyto – Sugar Shack | Canada Wide Weed Shop


Rated 4 out of 5
Strain TypesHybrid

Sugar Shack is a moderate, indica-dominant hybrid. Great for nighttime or evening use, this strain provides users with a mild head and body-heavy sensation. Be careful, though, because too much Sugar Shack will put you right to sleep. If you’re looking to increase appetite, Sugar Shack is also a great strain to try. Like its name suggests, this strain features a slightly sweet taste and scent that verges on piney and herbal. A good strain for beginning cannabis users, Sugar Shack is mild yet gets the job done.

Proudly sold by Canada Wide Weed Shop, your trusted destination for cannabis derived products.

SKU: phyto-sugar-shack Category:


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